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Leonard Constantin STAFIE

The Professional Association of Poultry Breeders in Iasi County


Due to the diversity of hybrids for meat that are currently on the market, we have to make an overview of them, in order to give the breeders the right informations and proper technologies. Thus, in addition presentation parameters of technical guidelines, and present some details of practice growth and exploitation of meat chickens. At the moment, in Romania, there are three hybrids frequently used in poultry industry: Cobb 500, Ross 308 and Hubbard Flex. Basicly, these hybrids have similar productive characteristics and needs. Hybrid meat Cobb 500 has been designed so as to obtain higher performance with low costs. It is not choosey about nutritional requirements, so in terms of protein, start discussing about the recipe (the percentage of protein in feed prices in general affect the finished feed), the hybrid needs meat are 21% 22.5% PB ( Gross protein), unlike Ross 308, which needs to vary between 22 and 25% PB Hubbard Flex 21 22% PB. For the types of farm we have studied, we followed the rules published in the Directive 2007/43/EC, which sets minimum standards of protection and welfare of chickens for meat production. Shelter used in practice to increase the number of 300 chicks were used two types of housing: a disabled worker's car and a bed of corn turned into a shelter for birds. According to this study results, a broiler chicken with a weight of 1.9-2.2 kg costs 7.06 lei, the initial investment is not particularly large and amortized by increasing the first series of chickens, which shows economic efficiency of an actual 300 broiler chickens in a household agro- industrial. If we take into account that a broiler chicken at a weight of 1.9 to 2.2 kilograms live can sell at a price about 12 lei/chicken, produces a net income of 4.94 lei/chicken. It results a total value of 1447.42 lei/series in each production cycle. Breeding broiler chicken in small herds will bring additional incomes in household/small farmers and the forages made by the breeders in their own farms are higher capitalized.


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