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Conclusions on increasing chicken meat

Analyzing data from research carried out for herds of chicken meat, laying hens on the 300 heads, 900 heads and 3000 heads, that are profitable herds used economically especially on the investments - profit that can be applied successful technologies of mechanization and automation. If the herds of 300 head there is a minimum tehnologizare not require development of new shelters for herds of 900 head and more necessary building new shelters, optimization, mechanization and automation of production factors.
Following the investigations are the following:
 microclimate factors are rigorously controlled, are introduced elements of mechanization and automation, thus producing meat or eggs is not seasonal but the human intervention in the technological process is low;
 Provides a large production of meat, so the age of 42 days the chickens are delivered to the slaughterhouse at an average weight of 2,1 kg with a consumption of feed 1,9 – 2,1 kg feed / kg live weight in comparison with producţiiile current households where slaughter weight is achieved in a long, over 4 months with a consumption of more than 3 kg feed per kilogram live weight;
 Ensures a large production of eggs / bird (270 - 305 eggs / hen), for as opposed to households where the production of eggs is seasonal and obtained 120 - 160 eggs / hen;
 economic profitability is good, that one actually microfermă with 300 head can provide a reasonable income of a family of farmers. From the data presented that a chicken meat with a weight of 1,9 kg 2,2 cost 7,06 lei / chicken; If we take into account that a chicken meat at a weight of 1,9 to 2.2 kilograms may sell live at a price about 12 lei / chicken, resulting a net income of 4,94 lei / chicken, so a total of 1447,42 lei / effectively in a production cycle of 9 weeks to 6 weeks of production and 3 weeks vacuum health.
 Following the presentation of data on expenditure on a number of 300 laying hens that an egg costs 0,143 lei. The price of wholesale is about 0,25 lei, which means a net income of 0,107 lei / or total income for 77 weeks of 8784,7856 lei. Thus, it provides a rising income and a more important, are valued higher forage resources obtained by them (eg corn).
 The health of the birds is fairly well and is regularly checked during deployment processes;
 The number of birds per m2 building is: 6 - 7 păsări/m2 for laying hens and chickens 12 - 15 where m2 of chickens meat.
 small investment in equipment and buildings, cost about for a new investment capacity of 3000 chicken meat is 177,804 lei from where the initial investment that a chicken is 59,26 lei. We only reported only at the price of equipment used, that for a chicken, the investment is approximately 4,83 lei / chicken and companies supplying equipment poultry prices practice 6,66 – 9,25 lei / chicken.
As drawbacks compared with the increase in farm-intensive and super intensive
 mention is made of the density of birds per m2 quite small;
 In summer time in the shelter up dust, causing respiratory problems number of birds, the time powered Winter increase humidity in the shelter.


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